We are Air Separation & CO2 plant construction & relocation specialists
Since 1987, Ranch Cryogenics, Inc. (RCI) has served the needs of industrial gases users and producers worldwide. Our mission is to display experience and reliability in everything we do.
RCI Mechanical
RCI Mechanical provides pipe and equipment skid fabrication utilizing our mechanical and shop facilities in Dwight, Illinois. RCI maintains a staff of qualified and certified pipe fitters, welders for Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminum TIG and MIG.
Piping Installation Services
Welding and Tubing Services
Orbital Welding and Tubing
Medium and High-Pressure Cone and Thread Services
Oxygen Cleaning Services
Equipment Skid Fabrication Services
Maintenance Turnaround Services
Construction and Installation Management Services
Equipment Storage and Preservation Services
Cold Box Work
Brazed Aluminum Heat Exchanger Repair
About Ranch Cryogenics
Ranch Cryogenics, Inc. began in 1987 when Mike Duffy, Sr.decided to strike out on his own after a long career which began in Milwaukee WI. in 1966.

Why own an ASU?
Many Industrial gas users have made the switch from gas users to
gas producers to decrease costs and increase product supply reliability.

Tell us about your next project?
With over 30 years in the industry, we have the experience
and qualified team to reach your project goals.
Ranch Cryogenics Services
Plant Start-up and Relief Operations
Control System Design (Electric & Pneumatic Plant Controls)