Conversion CalculatorVolume Measures - ALL GASESSCF/ month (millions) SCF/ year (millions) SCF/ day (thousands) SCF/ hour Nm3/ month (millions) Nm3/ year (millions) Nm3/ day (hundreds) Nm3/ hour O2 - OXYGEN ONLYOxygen (short) tons/ day (TPD) Oxygen Metric tons/ day (t/d) Oxygen gallons/ day Oxygen liters/ day N2 - NITROGEN ONLYNitrogen (short) tons/ day (TPD) Nitrogen Metric tons/ day (t/d) Nitrogen gallons/ day Nitrogen liters/ day Ar - ARGON ONLYArgon (short) tons/ day (TPD) Argon Metric tons/ day (t/d) Argon gallons/ day Argon liters/ day CO2 ONLYCO2 (short) tons/ day (TPD) CO2 Metric tons/ day (t/d) CO2 gallons/ day CO2 liters/ day 1 year = 365.25 days1 year = 12 months(1 average month = 30.44 days = 730.5 hours)Results may need to be adjusted if usage is not continuous throughout the month.Scf (standard cubic foot) gas measured at 1 atmosphere and 70°F.Nm3 (normal cubic meter) gas measured at 1 atmosphere and 0°C.Liquid measured at 1 atmosphere and boiling temperature. Your browser does not support script